A message from Karissa
Creating and sharing your story
The first class has lots of golden nuggets, led by Sarah. We talk about intuition, how our stories can impact who we are and recognize growth now.
Brand Voice and the customer/CLient experience
You want to make the experience with your audience memorable. Your brand should be screaming who you are as a person and we discuss how to do that with ease. Plus we give lots of examples and great ways to show who you are. We also do a live Website and social media audit.
Relationships, collaborations and building trust
Your network is your currency when it comes to business. In this lesson we talk about the importance of building a strong network, how to do it and so much more.
Social Media Strategy
Social media is a main hub for so many businesses. Its how we connect, sell, and reach audience we couldn't otherwise. It is a great place if you use it correctly. Here I show you what to do with your own social media.